Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Mesopelagic Zone

    What is the Mesopelagic zone ? The mesopelagic is the deep part of the ocean that is below 200 meters. The mesopelagic is very cold and dark , the oxygen is very low down there. There is not a lot of life in the deep ocean , there are fewer animals down there and its salty.
    Scientist use different tools to study the mesopelagic, for example one tool is a C.T.D this measure the salt  in this area.they use the nets top collect the animals at the bottom of the deep layer. Scientist Study the animals by using sonar. There use a tool called Acoustics , there is part of this tool called the ping and it is used to put down deep in the sea so that a sound can reflect back up to tell what is down at the bottom . Visual methods or tools they use are submarines or a robot that can go under water. The robot has a suction attached to it so that they can suck up the animals in a bucket and bring them up.

    Some fish that live in the deep sea are Angelfish, Dragon fish, Latern fish, Light Fish , Hatchet fish, Bristle fish, Deep Sea Smelts. Some adaptations of these fish are their eyes , they have eyes on the top of their head to find their prey. Another one is their lighting , it camoflagues the light from above and the preditors from below wouldn't be able to eat them .
    One observation I seen in class looked like a shrimp , this was the size of my thumb. There were different colors of these fish one was tan/brown and another was red . These fish kinda lookled like little crawfish , these fish were interesting to look at .

Human Impact On the Deep Sea

    Scientist Understanding of the Deep Sea changed since Challenger because they thought that the deep sea was flat and empty. They thought the deep sea was barring or Oceanographic. 
    The deep Sea is being impacted by humans by Litter, Fishing & Mining. One example of the litter is that they are throwing dead animals on the side of the ship. One example of fishing is by the bottom trawling m, this is a process in which the net is dragged along the sea floor and kills almost everything in its path. Last but not least One example of mining is that people are starting to mine in the Deep sea by using Manganese nodules and this killing our animals . 
    Three ways we can prevent these things from happening is a filter to clear out all the litter before it gets to the sea. The second way we can prevent this from happening is by not letting people into the deep sea with any harmful tools to hurt the animals. The third way we can prevent these things from happening is by not allowing nets by the water. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How do Animals get their Nitrogen? Why is water essential to Life?

How do Animals get their Nitrogen?
By eating Apples
That's how they get nitrogen
Plants help them live life

Why is water essential to life?
Water helps us live
We love to drink the Water
Water is healthy

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Colonization And Winds

   In Class i read an article about the Europeans and there trading routes. I got a lot of new cool information about the Europeans and what routes they take.
   The Europeans used trade winds to get to and from the Americas.
  Columbus sailed 150 miles each day and in  36 days he traveled 5,400 miles .
   Europeans brung maize,white potatoes,sweet potatoes,wheat,barley,rice and turnips
  Europeans took african slaves, molasses, Rum, to bring to the Americas.
 Last but not least The Europeans took sugar, moloasses, fruits, tobacco, furs, and lumber to bring to Europe .

Monday, January 6, 2014

Biological impacts of humans on the marine ecosystem

   The movie Blackfish is a movie I watched in Earth Science about Killer Whales and there life of how they live in captivity places like SeaWorld.
   My opinion of seaWorld has changed every since I watched this movie Blackfish. I used to think SeaWorld was a fun and adventures place but now my whole opinion has changed.After i have watched this movie i have a negative effect on SeaWorld , this movie has showed me that SeaWorld cares about nothing but profit.
   If I was an orca I would tell the smiling kids that i don't like being here becuase im not free at night i have to sit in a black tank thats caged in and im seperated from my mom. Although they give me free food and i get to do cool tricks i don't like it here.
   SeaWorld wouldn't want to be a part of this movie because its bad publicity for there place. SeaWorld would be embarrassed because they have had killings and did nothing about it and didnt do anything with the whales.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

How do scientists learn about past climate ?;

1. What were you looking for in the artic ocean? In the artic ocean we were looking for how the climate was 10, 000 years ago .  At the bottom if there was little Ice back then if you found a lot of pollen you find a lot of ice.
2. What is a piston corer? A piston corer the tool made to go to through hard and deep floor  to get to the bottom of the ocean floor .
3. What is the PVC corer ? A PVC corer is a type of plastic that they feeeze and put inside the metal corer. It h as to get shipped to the ship .
4. What is the orange suit? A mustang suit allows ou to stay warm and keep you up to float. The mustang suit have a bright light on the pocket to find you if you falll over board.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Climate Change

1. How has the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere changed over the last 100 years ? The concentration of carbon dioxide in he atmosphere has changed a lot in the last 100 years .
2.How have temperature,ice cover, and sea level changed over the last 100 years? The temperature in sea level increased and the ice cover decreased.
3. What is the scientific consensus and does the data support this ?

1.whats the cause of the current global warming trend? The cause of the currentglobal cwarming trend is the human expansion of the greenhouse effect.
2.what are the gasses that contribute to the greenhouse effect? Water vapor , carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and Chlorofluorocarbons are the gasses that contribute to the greenhouse effect.
3. What are some consequences of changing the natural atmospheric greenhouse? Some consequences are earth became warmer, regions may welcome warmer temperatures . Warmer conditions will probably lead to more evaporation and precipitation.Clouds drop more rain,sleet,or snow.A stronger greenhouse effect will warm the oceans and partially melt glaciers and other ice rise in sea levels, more co2 will be absorbed by the ocean. You will find warmer plants in warmer areas.
4.Why is solar irradiance not a reason for climate change ? Solar irradiance is not a reason for climate change because the sun has increased its heat energy and sending it to earth. The average amount of energy coming from the sun either remained constant or increased slightly. The top of earth is cooler than the rest of the planet.